Qatar Will Build a Permanent Pavilion in the Giardini della Biennale

The entrance to the Giardini, the Venice Biennale’s original and still primary venue. Photo by Giuseppe Cottini/Getty Images) Clearly, the Gulf countries have grasped the power of culture and the arts as both a tool of soft power and a means of economic expansion, positioning themselves as global destinations rather than economies solely reliant on … Read more

Boston Dynamics Partners with Its Former CEO to Build a Humanoid Robot

Boston Dynamics’s Atlas humanoid robot displayed during SoftBank Robot World on Nov. 21, 2017 in Tokyo, Japan. Tomohiro Ohsumi/Getty Images Boston Dynamics, known for its robot dog “Spot” used by law enforcement, utility companies and tech researchers, is partnering with an organization led by its founder and former CEO to develop a new version of … Read more